Day 137 - Read 1 Samuel 15-16

Sep 7, 2024

God sent Saul to destroy Amalek and his people. Saul rebelled against God by sparing the king of the Amalekites and some of the animals. Saul attempted to excuse his actions by saying he kept the animals to sacrifice to God. God removed His blessings on Saul as the king of Israel. Samuel called the king of the Amalekites to him and killed him at Gilgal. Samuel did not see Saul again until the day of his death. God led Samuel to Bethlehem to anoint God’s choice for king of Israel. God anointed David, the youngest son of Jesse, as king of Israel. The Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David. David served Saul by playing the lyre, which made Saul well when a harmful spirit was upon him. Saul loved David, and David became his armor-bearer.