Day 171 - Read 2 Kings 3-4

Oct 11, 2024

Jehoram, another son of Ahab, became king over Israel in Samaria. He reigned twelve years. The king of Moab rebelled against the king of Israel. Jehoram, Jehoshaphat king of Judah, and the king of Edom went to fight against the king of Moab. The king of Moab offered his oldest son as a sacrifice on the wall. The three kings withdrew from the king of Moab and returned to their land. Elisha was used by God to perform miracles. God caused a small amount of oil to multiply so a widow could sell it to repay creditors who threatened to make her sons slaves. God gave a woman and her husband a son. God raised this same boy from death. God used Elisha to purify stew that would have killed the sons of the prophets.