Day 128 - Read Ruth 1-2

Aug 29, 2024

A woman named Naomi was married to Elimelech. They had two sons, Mahlon and Chilion. They were from Bethlehem, but they traveled to live in the country of Moab during a famine in the land. Mahlon and Chilion married women from Moab named Orpah and Ruth. Elimelech died. About ten years passed, then Mahlon and Chilion died. Naomi insisted her daughter-in-laws return to their mothers’ homes to find husbands. Ruth refused to leave Naomi, vowing to remain with her throughout her life. Naomi and Ruth journeyed back to Bethlehem to seek food. Ruth found favor with Boaz, a relative of Elimelech, because of her good deeds toward Naomi. Boaz allowed her to gather (glean) among his workers in the fields he owned.