Day 172 - Read 2 Kings 5-6

Oct 12, 2024

The commander of the army of Syria named Naaman was a leper. The commander was taken to the door of Elisha’s house. Elisha sent a messenger to tell him to wash in the Jordan seven times and be healed. The commander did as he was told, and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child. Elisha’s servant lied to Elisha and received silver from the commander. He was punished with leprosy. Elisha threw a stick in the Jordan to retrieve an axe head. Elisha told the king of Israel the plans of the king of Syria. The king of Syria sent his men to capture Elisha, but God protected him with many chariots of fire, and the enemy was blinded. Syria attacked Israel. There was a great famine in Samaria. The king of Israel attributed the famine to Elisha.