Session 6

Mark 6:1-29

Think about your own spiritual journey. When you encountered Jesus for the first time, how did you respond?

Now think about the possible objections you might have had (or maybe still do have) to Jesus. What objections to Jesus would you expect someone to have today?

What sort of opposition to Christ have you observed personally? Share your stories.

Now consider those opposed to Christ, or at least uninterested in him. In what ways does your relationship with him give you empathy and compassion for the lost?

Read Mark 6:7–13. What reactions does he prepare his disciples to face while they are out on the road? How are they to respond?

Jesus doesn’t wait until the end of Mark to send the disciples out to spread the message of the kingdom of God. Regardless of where your relationship is with Jesus, you have a part to play in his mission in the world.

How can you practically live like the disciples did here? How would you engage someone in conversation about the picture of Jesus you’ve seen here?

Today, consider what you can surrender, put aside, or give away so that you can have the opportunity to show Jesus to someone else. Whatever it is, consider it practice. We are following the one who came to die for us all.

What have you sacrificed to follow Jesus? What opportunities did it open up for you?

What does dying for Jesus look like for you? Why is it worth the effort?