Session 2

Mark 1:14-45

Describe a moment when life for you completely changed—where you knew the world was going to be different and there was no going back. How did you feel? Were you excited, afraid, nervous?

How did the disciples react to Jesus’s invitation to follow him?

What do you stand to lose by following Jesus the way the disciples did? What do you stand to gain by following Jesus?

Throughout the video, Francis emphasized the authority of Jesus as a driving factor for discipleship. Whom does Jesus use that authority to help?

In this passage, what do all three of the people Jesus healed have in common? In what ways did his care for women, lepers, and a demon-possessed man demonstrate his new kingdom come to earth?

Mark’s point with this presentation of Jesus’s authority is that he has the right to extend the kingdom to whomever he chooses. And that includes the sick, marginalized, and hurting. What does this mean for us? How do we live differently in light of Jesus’s authority?

Two thousand years after calling his first disciples, Jesus still calls us to follow him. How are you responding to him now? In what ways does your life, your priorities, your attitudes reflect his call on your life?