There’s nothing like the month leading up to Christmas. Sure, Christmas decorations may go up in October, but when the calendar hits December 1, it gets real. The anticipation begins. Christmas parties. Christmas movies. Christmas break. Then Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

The anticipation is definitely worth the wait. But there is another kind of Christmas anticipation as well, one that should be at the forefront of our Christmas experience.

Christmas is a time when we prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate the moment that God became human. This anticipation was a feeling so many in the Christmas story knew well. Isa- iah. Mary. Joseph. John. The shepherds. The wise men. But have you ever thought that Heaven itself was anticipating Jesus’ arrival? If you think about it, all of creation was waiting for the moment that the promised Messiah would burst onto the scene.

Then, all at once, He did. He showed up, but not with big parades or fanfare on the steps of the Roman emperor’s palace. No, the Savior who would take away the sins of the world was born in a humble stable in an off-the-beaten-path town. Born to a teenage mom and a simple but honest dad, the Prince of Peace was suddenly among the very people He created.

And they beheld Him. His parents observed Him in wonder. The shepherds looked down at Him, recalling the angel’s message of wonder. The wise men would come to do the same thing. They beheld the Savior. Thousands of years later, we do the same thing.

Christmas is a time for looking once again at the Christ child. We do this by getting our hearts in a state of anticipating the celebration of Jesus’ birth. That’s where these devotions come in.They’re designed to help you spend the month of Christmas preparing to celebrate God’s gift of His Son.

There’s one devotion for each day of the month. We hope you’ll find that these 25 days of Christmas devotions get you in the perfect state of mind to truly appreciate the significance of the Savior’s arrival.