“And Mary said, ‘My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has looked on the humble estate of His servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed...’” – Luke 1:46-48
What brings you joy? This isn’t “church answer” time. It’s okay to say something like “my car,” “my friends,” or even "cheerleading," "football," or "my guitar." Many things in our lives make us happy. Some of them we think about often, and others we may kind of take for granted (like food or our health).
Read Luke 1:46–48. Mary wasn’t about to take anything for granted. Again, she had just had a pretty amazing interaction. She had just been told by an angel that she was going to become miraculously pregnant with the Son of God. But there was more: her cousin was pregnant, too! So, she headed over to see Elizabeth, who would give birth to John the Baptist. And when Mary and Elizabeth saw each other and shared their news, Mary burst into a meaningful song of thankfulness.
One of the truths about our relationship with God is that He is our Provider. He is the Giver of good things. He is the source of all your blessings: your health, your life, your shelter, your food, and so on. Sure, God might not literally pay your family’s mortgage each month or put gas in your car. But the money your family earns? The job your mom or dad has? Maybe even the job you have? It’s by and through God’s grace. All good things come from God.
Mary seemed to have a firm grasp on this. Do you? Are you in the habit of realizing what God has given you and then making sure He hears your thankfulness? It starts with stepping back and seeing that God has given you more than you could ever imagine. When you really understand this, praise and thankfulness come naturally.
What in your life are you most thankful for? Why does it mean so much to you?
How can you and your family practice thankfulness to God this Christmas season?