“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.” 
– 1 Corinthians 12:4-6

For some, maybe many, presents or gifts are the main focus of Christmas. I mean, do you blame them? Who doesn’t want to receive a gift out of nowhere for no reason? You didn’t earn it, do anything to deserve it, and may not have even asked for it. It’s not only a surprise but a gesture of kindness and love. For many people, the giving of gifts is equally as enjoyable. We love to see people excited about a gift we’ve chosen JUST for them. But this Christmas, I want you to think about another kind of gift.

Each of us has gifts we're called to give, but they’re a little different than the ones at Christmas. You can’t wrap them up and put a bow on them, and you can't find them at a store in the mall. They are gifts that live in you.

Read 1 Corinthians 12:4-6. God has given every one of us different gifts that are meant to be shared with the world. Think about it: What are you good at? What are the things you really have a passion for? And they don’t have to be things that we label as "spiritual." When we think of “our gifts,” we usually immediately go to things like praying, interpreting the Bible, telling others about Jesus, and so on. And these are definitely gifts from God! But there are other gifts, too. Being really good at math, being an excellent artist, or having a knack for working with animals are all gifts God has given you. Whatever God has gifted you with, live into it, and know that all gifts can be given to others and the world in God’s Name.

Christmas is a time for gifts. So go and give your gift to the world.


Which one of your gifts do you find it hard to believe that God would use? Why?

How can you use your passions and skills to tell others about Jesus?