“And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. And she gave birth to her firstborn Son and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths and laid Him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.” – Luke 2:6-7

Read Luke 2:6-7. If I'm honest, I probably wouldn’t have chosen to bring the Savior into the world the way God chose to. Let’s just think about it for a second.

First, Jesus wasn’t born to a royal family. No, He was born to a teenage mom and a carpenter dad from Nazareth. Then, a census dragged them away from friends and family. The people they cared for the most weren’t able to be a part of this monumental event. Also, Bethlehem? Why couldn’t God have waited until they were a little further down the road in a bigger place like Jerusalem? Then we have the shepherds and wise men. Not exactly the press or dignitaries I would’ve brought to the table. Finally, we have the stable and manger. The Savior of the world is born and immediately has to compete with barn animals for sleeping quarters.

I say all of this to make a point: the Son of God, the One who would change everything, broke out of heaven and into this earth to a hay trough borrowed from feeding animals. Instead of showing up with flashing lights and splendor, Jesus humbles Himself by being born in a seemingly unimportant, unwanted way. Some of you may feel this way during the holiday season—unimportant, unwanted, unseen.

God knew exactly what He was doing when He sent His Son to be born to regular people in a small town’s stable. By coming onto the scene in this way, Jesus is telling us all that we are seen, wanted, and important. We may not get that from the world or the people around us, but we will always receive this from our Savior. Celebrate this truth today.


If you could change one part of the Christmas story, what would it be and why?

What makes you feel seen and valued? Is there anyone you can ask to do this for you?