“The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, ‘Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!’” – John 1:29
It’s Christmas season! You can just feel it in the air. Everywhere you go, you are reminded of that magical day that comes on December 25th. Christmas trees, music on the radio, red bows, and twinkling lights, not to mention the excitement that comes along with getting out of school for Christmas break. Beyond all of the commercials, lights, songs, and shopping, there’s something that quietly lies at the heart of this exciting season. It’s not found in boxes or even in family gatherings around a festive table. It’s the story of a young mother, a reluctant father, and a tiny baby that would change the world forever.
As we enter into this holiday season, challenge yourself to rethink your holiday and begin to celebrate these holy days. In no way am I suggesting that we shouldn’t celebrate by giving presents, singing jingle bells, or drinking hot chocolate. Those are all fun and exciting ways to celebrate this wonderful time of year. But let’s make sure we’re not only looking for those things.
Take a second and read John 1:29. Behold may not be a word we say very much, but believe it or not, we do it all the time! It basically means to look at or see something that’s impressive, remarkable, or interesting. So when you can’t take your eyes off your phone or catch yourself staring at your crush as they walk down the hallway, you’re beholding! When John tells the people to behold Jesus, he’s saying, “Look! You don’t want to miss this!” John knew that Jesus was more than impressive, remarkable, or interesting. He knew that Jesus was the long awaited, promised Messiah that would save the world from its sins.
There are so many things to look forward to and pay attention to in this season. And rightly so! Christmas should be a time of celebration, fun, and getting together with those you care for the most. Even though all these things are worth paying attention to, we don’t want to miss Jesus, the Lamb of God who has come to save the world. So, starting today, begin looking forward to December 25th by anticipating the birth of Jesus. Join this journey through the story of His birth as we move from simply celebrating a holiday to celebrating holy days.
What about Jesus did John want people not to miss? Why would this have been important?
What might it look like to "behold" Jesus as we get closer to Christmas?