How cool would it be to build your own treehouse? Think of all the adventures and fun you’d enjoy! What if one day your parents said you could build one as big as you wanted? The only catch is you must make it without any supplies or tools. That would be impossible!

In the beginning of the world, God created all the plants, animals, lakes, mountains, the sun, the moon, and zillions of stars out of nothing! He just spoke, and everything came into being. When God created Adam, He used only dirt from the ground and His own breath. What’s impossible for us to do is more than possible for God. Gabriel’s answer to Mary’s question, “How can this be?” was amazing. The Holy Spirit was going to create the baby she would give birth to. Yet again, God would do the impossible because nothing is impossible with Him.

What is a miracle?

Can you think of a time when God did something impossible for you?

You’ll need an empty plastic water bottle and a balloon that’s not blown up for this activity. Tuck the larger part of the balloon into the top of the bottle and stretch the edge of the balloon (where you blow into it) around the neck of the bottle. Try to blow the balloon up inside the bottle. What happens?