What would you think if someone told you that by the age of 10 you would win an Olympic gold medal for diving, be named the best race car driver in the world, and elected president? It might sound fun, but it’s not possible. You wouldn’t be old enough to participate in any of them because there are age limits. Also, don’t forget all the money you would need to make just one of these things possible. And for one person, an adult or a 10-year-old, to win all three titles at once? For so many reasons, it just could not happen.

After Gabriel told her she was going to have an extraordinary son, even more extraordinary than she could ever imagine, Mary asked one big question, “How can this be?” Mary wasn’t married, and she’d never had a baby before. It wasn’t even time for her to marry Joseph yet. It makes sense that Mary questioned the angel because she couldn’t understand how something so unbelievable would happen. What she would find out next from Gabriel would explain how God would make it happen. Humans are unable to achieve the impossible, but God in His miraculous power can!

What are some other miracles God performed in the Bible?

What do you think would be impossible to do without God’s help?

Try some of these impossible or nearly impossible things:

• Lick your elbow

• Wiggle your ears

• Move your nose without moving the rest of your face

• Touch your nose or chin with your tongue

• Tickle yourself

These are silly things to demonstrate that humans can’t do unbelievable things. Remember that only God can do the impossible!