Some countries, like England, are called monarchies. A monarchy is a form of government led by a single ruler often called a king or queen. This ruler receives the position by being born into it and keeps it until the end of his or her life. If you were the oldest in your family and your father was king, you would become the next king or queen after he dies. Your child would be the next ruler after you. The kingdom, which is also referred to as the throne, is passed down from one generation to the next.
As Gabriel gives God’s “don’t miss this” message to Mary, she learns that she is going to have a son. He tells her that He would be an extraordinary baby. God was going to make Him King. Years and years before Jesus was born, God chose David to be king of Israel. David was an important king because he loved and followed God. From David’s family line, generations later, Jesus would be born to rule just like God said. Where earthly kingdoms can be ruled by good or bad leaders, Jesus would be the very best kind of King—a forever king who is loving and just.
Using construction paper along with sequins, glitter, markers, or stickers, create crowns to wear. Take turns sharing things that a bad ruler might do. You could even pretend to be a king or queen and act it out. Repeat with things a good ruler would do. After that, talk about what makes Jesus the best King ever.