Today is the day! Christmas is finally here! Aren’t you excited? After waiting so long, you can open your presents and give your gifts. You’ll probably listen to Christmas songs and eat some yummy food. Maybe you’ll visit your grandparents and aunts and uncles or get together with close family friends. You’ll smile for lots of pictures, too. What a spectacular celebration!

In the midst of everything going on today, stop and take some time to think about the reason we celebrate. Today’s verses are some of the most familiar ones related to Christmas. It’s the best birth announcement of all time. When the angel appeared to the shepherds to share the news of Jesus’ birth, he told them exactly who this special baby was – the Savior, Christ the Lord. Then, the most wonderful thing happened…the sky filled up with angels praising the Lord! It had to have been such a breathtaking sight to behold. Although the birth of a new baby is always something to celebrate, no infant, past or future, will receive a welcome like the one Jesus did. He is worthy of all the praise and glory we can give Him. “Glory to God in the Highest!”

What would it have been like to hear all those angels praising God?

What is so important about the Christmas story?

At some point in the day, revisit the thank you card you made for the Lord. Think about everything you’ve learned and done as you’ve read through this devotional. Talk about your favorite parts of the Christmas story. Spend a few moments to BEHOLD the Savior, the Son of God, the Messiah, Immanuel.