You might wonder sometimes why your parents or teachers tell you certain things over and over again. They’re not trying to annoy you; they’re trying to help you remember important stuff. Repetition makes it easier for your brain to recall what you’ve learned. It helps your brain put information into long-term storage so it’s harder to forget. The best part of remembering things is sharing what you know with others.

Out of all the things you could learn about, God’s Word is the most important. Today’s verses go back to the beginning of the Christmas story. Here’s the speedy-quick, super short retelling: An angel told Mary she was going to have a special baby who would be the Savior of the world. An angel told Joseph to go ahead and marry Mary. They traveled to Bethlehem right before Mary gave birth to Jesus. They couldn’t find a place with any room to stay, so Jesus was born and laid in a manger. An angel told some shepherds about Jesus. The shepherds ran to see Him. Later, wise men from far away came to worship the King of the Jews. They left, and an angel warned Joseph to get Jesus to safety. Joseph obeyed. All was well.

What is one new thing you’ve learned about the story of Christmas?

How can you share what you’ve learned with others?

Christmas is such an important part of God’s entire story in the Bible, and it’s something we definitely should remember. If you’ve been making stick puppet characters since Day 10, you can use them for this activity. If not, you can use a nativity set. Think back to the very beginning of the Christmas story. See if you can act it out together using the characters. If you have a hard time remembering, look back over the Bible verses for each day’s devotion to help.