Love is patient and kind. It’s happy when you’re happy and sad when you’re sad. Love encourages, protects, and wants the very best for you. God’s love is like this but even bigger than any human kind of love. He shows His love for all people, including you, throughout the Bible, and there’s one big story that displays His forever love.
God created a perfect world. He made Adam and Eve to be part of His family. Then God’s enemy, Satan, lied to Adam and Eve, and they chose to follow a lie instead of God’s truth. They sinned. Because sin is so bad and God is so good, Adam, Eve, and everyone to come couldn’t live in the beautiful garden in perfect relationship with God. No matter how hard people tried to take care of their sin problem, they couldn’t. We all need a rescuer to provide a way back into a relationship with God. So, God sent Jesus to the world to die as the perfect sacrifice for sin and to be raised back to life again. Now that Jesus has conquered sin, every person who believes He is God’s Son and asks Him to take away their sins can become part of God’s family forever. That is what God’s never-ending love looks like.
Grab a piece of poster board or large fancy paper and some markers or crayons to create a big thank you card for God. Decorate the front and write a note inside about who God is, what He’s done, and why you’re thankful for His love. Sign your card and place it under the tree as a gift for the Lord.