At school, you have fire drills to help everyone practice what to do in case of a real fire. During a drill, you get to hear what the fire alarm sounds like. It’s really loud! An alarm needs to be loud so students and teachers know there’s danger nearby. Then, you and your classmates follow the teachers’ instructions quickly, carefully, and quietly, and no one goes back into the school building until the adults in charge say it’s safe.
After the wise men left to return to their home, Joseph had another important dream from God where an angel spoke to him about something very important. This time, like a fire alarm, it was a message that danger was near. King Herod wanted to find Jesus and kill Him! The angel gave Joseph instructions about what to do, where to go, and when it would be safe to come back. Joseph listened carefully so he could do everything God told him. He didn’t spend days thinking about going to Egypt. He didn’t ask other people what they thought he should do. Joseph listened to the angel of the Lord and did exactly what he was told. He was obedient to God’s message.
You’ll need a blindfold and soft pillows for this activity. Pick a room to
play in and a person to go first. While the first player waits in another room, arrange pillows as obstacles between one side of the room and the other. Then, blindfold the first player and lead him or her to one side of the room. Give the player detailed directions for crossing the room without stepping on any obstacles. The player has to try to follow the directions to make it across the room. The only additional help you can give is to say, “Danger!” every time the player gets too close to an obstacle. Play again with a new arrangement of obstacles and a new player.