Did you know that names have meanings? Going back thousands of years, names were given based on things like events that happened close to a child’s birth, special characteristics of the child, an important meaning to the family, or a purpose for the child. Most of the names that are used today have come from words in other languages. Some are very old names, going all the way back to Old Testament times. Your parents might have chosen your name because they liked how it sounded or what it meant.

Unlike most of us who have three names – first, middle, and last – Jesus was given many more! God was the one who was Jesus’ name giver. Hundreds of years before Jesus was born, God told the prophet Isaiah things about Jesus. God shared some names that tell us a lot about what Jesus is like. A few of these names are listed in today’s Bible verse. They are glorious names because they’re all about the wonderful ways Jesus acts toward people. The best part is we can count on Jesus to always live up to the meanings of His names!

Why do you think Jesus has so many names?

What special names would you give Jesus?

Using your Bibles and computer, search for more of Jesus’ names. (Make sure an adult supervises internet searches.) Look up the verses where these names are written in the Bible. Start with the 4 in today’s verse, and then see if you can find 20 more and write each one on a small piece of paper. Put the papers in a jar. Starting today, choose one name each day to read and think about. Then, thank God for that wonderful name and what it tells you about Jesus.