Think about who is part of your family. The people who live in your house with you probably pop into your mind first. Then you might go on to include your grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, too. What about your great-grandparents, and your great-great grandparents, and your great-great-great grandparents and so on? They are part of your family, too. The list of generations who lived before you is called your lineage or family line. It can be interesting to find out how far back in history you can trace your relatives.
There was a census, an official counting of people, right before it was time for Jesus to be born. This census required people to travel to the hometown of their family lineage. Mary and Joseph needed to go to Bethlehem to be counted. Bethlehem is known as the city of King David, and their family line traced back to him. This is a very important part of the Christmas story because Old Testament prophecy said a special ruler would come from Bethlehem. God planned out every detail of Jesus’ birth that would point to Him as the Messiah, the Savior of the world, even down to the city where He would be born.
Create a family tree together. You can look online to find examples and a template to use. Start with your household, kids and parents. Add grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Talk to family members to see how far back you can go with your relatives. As you do this, ask your grandparents to share stories about their siblings, parents, and grandparents. If you’re able, capture these stories digitally or write them down to go with your family tree.