Church Group: Night Two

As you did on Night 1, consider starting with some general questions about how things are going.

•Ask about what everyone’s favorite part of the day was. Hit the “High’s and Low’s” if you choose.

•Be prepared to share your answers, as well, sharing any funny or meaningful stories from the REC fields.

Then, consider asking about any impressions from tonight’s time of worship. (You’ll repeat this framework, generally speaking, every Church Group Time.)

• What was your favorite element of worship tonight?

• Was there a specific song, video, or sketch that resonated with you?

• Tonight, you were reminded of the truths of the Gospel. Here’s something you should know: when we encounter God and don't respond to Him, we run the risk of our hearts becoming hardened to Him. You met God tonight through His Word. What is your response to God?

• Can you name one takeaway from tonight? One thing you feel like God is leading you to put into action?

If you want, consider asking some questions related to the content of the day’s Village Gathering. Use the following questions or come up with your own:

• In your own words, what changes in our lives when we surrender to Jesus?

• Matthew 4:18-22 tells us about Jesus calling a few of His first disciples. He says, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." The young men respond by immediately dropping what they are doing and following Him. Have you had that kind of moment with Jesus in your life? (This could lead to a time for sharing.)

• Have you ever been around someone who did a great job surrendering everything to Jesus? What are some of the ways that they do this?

• Total Surrender to Jesus is a big deal. What are some things that might hold us back from that Total Surrender?