It’s the best time of the year! Christmas is almost here, and over the next 25 days, we get to spend time learning more about Jesus, why His birth is so wonderful, and what we should be thinking about as Christmas Day gets closer and closer!

You know that feeling of excitement and anticipation you have when you think about all the awesome things that Christmas might have in store? That’s a feeling that many people in the Christmas story know very well! Isaiah. Mary. Joseph. John. The shepherds. The wise men. In fact, if you think about it, the whole earth was waiting for the moment that Jesus would come onto the scene!

In the same way, the days leading up to Christmas are a time when we get our hearts and minds ready to celebrate the moment that Jesus was born. And that’s just what this book is for! Every day, you’ll have a Bible verse(s) that focuses on a specific part of the Christmas story. Once you’ve read the verse(s), you get to read a message written just for you! There are questions after each message and an activity you can do with your family. How fun is that!?

You might notice a certain word come up a lot in the Bible verses you’ll be reading over the next 25 days. That word is “behold,” and when you behold something, you’re paying special attention to a very important person or thing. That’s what these days leading up to Christmas are all about – learning how we can focus all our attention on the most important Person ever, Jesus.

Christmas is a time for celebrating Jesus’ birth because of how truly wonderful it is. That’s where this book comes in. As you and your family go through Behold the Savior, you will learn how you can spend the whole month of December preparing to celebrate God’s gift of His Son. If you have any questions about Jesus or how you can know Him better, make sure you talk to an adult who already knows Him. They’ll be excited to help you!